Our official time of bonding with Sam has begun! He is a brown-eyed, sandy-haired nine-month old with an infectious grin and a lot of heart. This little fellow has overcome much, and continues to make great progress with the love and support of his caregivers and now with his new family-to-be.
Our first “legal day” of bonding was Wednesday of this week. As was the case with Lily Grace, we will be unable to share any pictures on the blog until we have cleared court in three weeks or so. So, we will try our best to describe our time with him in future posts.
What we can tell you now is that Sam LOVES picture books, particularly of babies and animals. And he therefore took to his new photo album from home right away, featuring his new Sissy. :-) And like Lily Grace at this point, Sam is not yet talking, and is beginning to make baby talk sounds when excited – like when looking at books. Oh, and without question, his favorite book is Pat the Bunny. For those of you who have this classic, you can picture his interaction with it – patting the bunny, playing peek-a-boo, and “putting his finger in Mummy’s ring”.
We still have most of this adoption journey yet to go, but we are so thankful to be placed officially on a path. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support.
Steve & Tonya
Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see his picture. Love you all.
Congrats!!! Can't wait to meet your little man - Sam
Congratulations! What joy.
Such great news! Congratulations!
Sharing your good news and excitement.
Congratulations!! What a very exciting time this is for you guys!!
So happy for you all! Sam's a lucky little guy. Can't wait to see his sweet face!
Congratulations on the progress and being able to get Lily Grace a brother. Hopefully she will be excited about the addition to the family
Your description of kymyz makes my mouth water and whets my appetite. Sure wish you could bring some home with you for me to try. Bob McCleskey, HSV, AR
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