Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We have dates!

Our official travel dates have been issued and the tickets have just been purchased! We will leave on Tuesday, September 30, with a return date of Thursday, November 27. It is possible that the return date will change to an earlier date, but we won't know until we're over there and closer to the end of the process.

This is an exciting step - thanks as always for your love and support.



Mel and David said...
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Melanie said...

Congratulations! I am very happy for you. Safe travel wishes and lots of love sent your way.

Jackson said...

Congratulations! It is nice to see people go out of their way to find and grow a family, despite the hand dealt to them. Your lack of complaint to your predicament and your sheer determination to go on and succeed where you were met with failure before is inspiring and a delight to be alive to witness. I can only imagine the kind of parents you'll be to the lucky daughter you've chosen. Your lives are bound to be enriched, albeit unfathomably busy, with this new addition to your family. -J

Unknown said...

Excellent! What an exciting time in your lives. God's speed to you all if we don't connect between now and when you leave.

Remi and Becki

Jenkins Family said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited to hear good news coming from someone. I can't wait to see your blog posts when you are there. If you go private, please send me the password @ emilypjenkins@comcast.net

I will pray for smooth travels and a joyous time for your new family.
Emily Jenkins

Grandma Dee Dee said...

We are so very excited for you, and can't wait to see our precious grand daughter!!!

Love you dearly,


shannon said...

You will truly have the journey of a lifetime ... bundle up - I heard its in the low 30s already in Karaganda!!!

Safe travels!