Today marks one month that we’ve been home and Lily Grace is adjusting remarkably well. She’s a happy baby with a zest for life, and she’s grabbing it for all its worth. Favorite activities include jumping in her jumper, swinging at the playground, pulling up on anything and everything, “power-loving” on Lucy the cat, and starting today, seeing the world from her new stroller.
We are also beginning to find our parenting feet in this “new normal”, and, despite the stress of learning to juggle logistics, to understand and use 100 new baby items and still find some time for each other, we are filled with joy and gratitude. And we can absolutely attest that there’s nothing so sweet as hearing “Ma-ma” and “Da-da”, which are recent additions to her baby sound repertoire.

Many people have pointed out to us how blessed Lily Grace is to now have a family, and we know that’s true. However, we find ourselves focused on how blessed we are to have her as part of our family, and the blessing she is to our extended family, friends and even the strangers she meets. She has touched and will continue to touch many lives, and we are humbled by that and so thankful.
In our next post, we’ll put up a new video clip or two and then before we all know it, it will be January 22 – her first birthday.
We hope you all have had a special holiday time with your families and friends and, despite economic indicators, are looking forward to a 2009 filled with an abundance of joy, love and hope.
Steve and Tonya